
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Atmospheric Stability & Instability

Stability & Instability

·         Instability - Possessing the ability to move away from the original position; allows convection and enhances vertical motions.
·         Stability - Possessing the ability to return to its original position; suppresses convection.
·         Inversion - Temperatures increasing with increased altitude, or height. A negative lapse rate.
·         Lapse rate (Γ) - The change of temperature with a change in height. Rate of decrease in temperature. Getting colder with height = Positive lapse rate. dT / dZ = temperature changing with height.


·         Adiabatic – not heat
·         Isotherm – A line of constant temperature.
·         Isothermometer – A line of constant dew point temperature.
·         Barometer - measures pressure


Air Parcel’s
·         “Blob” of air
·         Expands and contracts freely
·         Rises and sinks through the atmosphere
·         If it is warmer it is less dense then the air which makes it rise (compression)
·         If it is colder it is more dense then the air which makes it sink (expansion)
·         Temperature will change from pressure – does not exchange from inside and outside the box
·         Temperature is NOT a measure of heat

Types of Heat Transfer
1.    Conduction
a.    The transfer of sensible heat from a warm object to a cool object through contact
2.    Convection
a.    fluid/anything that is flowing
3.    Radiation

How Pressure changes with height?
a.    dp / dZ < 0
b.    Pressure decreases with height, which is a negative change, that is less than

1st Law of Thermodynamics
̶        Heat In = Work + delta-T
a.    Adiabatic process:        

Warm air is less dense then cold air ONLY at the same pressure

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